Watch: Matthew Stafford’s reveals practical joke on Lions’ media/fans

It’s been few years in the making but Matthew Stafford finally revealed the practical joke he and T.J. Lang have been playing on the Detroit Lions’ media and fan base.

I’ll admit it, I was fooled.

Roughly three weeks ago, Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford and former Lion T.J. Lang joined the teams’ multi-media journalist Tori Petry as part of the teams’ pre-2020 draft virtual festivities. As the video conference was wrapping up, Lang said he has one more question for Stafford:

“Dating back maybe three years ago,” Lang said, “when we were doing the ‘Talkin’ with T.J.’, you kinda showed off your math skills… I’m just going to make a number up — 9,758 times 618.”

Stafford answered with ease:

That video clip went viral, reportedly getting over 100,000 views, and Stafford received a lot of accolades throughout the media — even being dubbed a Math Wizard by ESPN.

Today, during a video conference with the Detroit media, Stafford pulled back the curtain and revealed the truth behind hid genius:

“I can’t believe you guys fell for the math trick,” Stafford said. “T.J. and I have been doing that for years. He texts me the answer beforehand and I just read it off and sell it hard. I guess I deserve a Daytime Emmy, but for sure, not a math award.”

Well, at least I wasn’t alone in being fooled. Well done Matthew, well done.