Watch: Lions release best of the 2020 virtual offseason video

The Detroit Lions released a video montage of some of the best virtual interactions from the offseason.

Over the past two offseasons, the Detroit Lions media department has produced several incredibly entertaining videos like “Whats’s in the box?” and “Teammate Mashup” over the summer months. But with limited access to players this offseason those video’s all but disappeared — until now!

Today, the Lions media team released a video montage of some of the best virtual interactions from the 2020 offseason.

The video opens with one of the more ridiculous moments of the offseason. During Taylor’s Decker’s video conference with Lions media, one reporter left his mic open while also being logged onto another video press conference with Red Wings Dylan Larkin. In the middle of Decker answering a question, Larkin’s presser began and was broadcast on the Lions Zoom feed — comedy ensues.

Next up was quarterback coach Sean Ryan’s birthday, and the Lions staff sang him was one of, and I’m not exaggerating here, the worst renditions of Happy Birthday ever heard.

That was followed by a series of quick observations, including Darrell Bevell’s offseason beard growth, Christian Jones grilling while answering questions, the T.J. Lang and Matthew Stafford math genius practical joke, a Top-30 virtual visit with Logan Stenberg and his dog, Stafford poking fun at Danny Amendola doing “yoga in his underwear”, and coach Matt Patricia picking up the ukelele as a hobby.

The final minute of the video shifted to kids and singing. General Manager Bob Quinn and Patricia talked about their children getting involved with them during the NFL Draft, while veteran Marvin Jones nailed “Lean on me” and rookie punter Aaron Siposs closed the show with a song about his native land of Australia, singing Men at Work’s “Down Under”.

You can watch the entire video in the Lions Tweet below: