Watch: Jadarian Price takes screen pass to house for touchdown

This was exciting.

One of the most exciting moments for any college football fan is when your team has an electric freshman. Might Notre Dame have its for 2022 in running back Jadarian Price? Only time will tell, but he just made a strong case for it in the Blue Gold Game. After catching a screen pass from fellow freshman Steve Angeli at midfield, Price took advantage of some nice blocking and, well, just watch:

The only thing more amazing than the touchdown is Marcus Freeman running after the play shouting jubilant phrases. Clearly, he sees something in Price, and those shouts appear to be his way of telling him that he knew this is what he’s capable of. We obviously won’t know how well this will translate into game action either this season or next, but this is a nice first step for him. Hopefully, this was the first of many fantastic memories he’ll have at Notre Dame Stadium.

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