Watch: Half-Naked Man Interrupts Urban Meyer’s TV Appearance

There are a lot of questions to ask after Urban Meyer’s appearance on the Big Ten Network this Tuesday.

Let’s face it – if you’re reading this website chances are you’re a college football fan.  Maybe huge, maybe somewhat of one, but certainly at least a fairly decent college football fan.

Today’s news sucks, I have no other way of putting it.  It’s the Big Ten and Pac-12 today and could very easily be the rest of FBS college football in a matter of days.

It’s yet another kick to the mid-section of 2020, a year that simply can’t end soon enough.

We do have an important piece of video to share with you however that will hopefully at least make you smile a bit.

Urban Meyer was on the Big Ten Network’s breaking news coverage of the cancellation, sharing his insight as to what happens next.  In the middle of answering a question from Dave Revsine, something strange happened, see for yourself below:

I have more than a couple questions.

  • Where is Urban Meyer doing this hit from?  An RV?
  • Who is the half naked man behind him?
  • How does it take Meyer so long to realize the half-naked man is there?
  • How does Meyer not have any idea they’re not cutting away from him towards the end of the hit?

A lot to dissect here, no doubt.  I know we have a lot of questions about college football today and what happens now, but for a breather I’d like to know a lot more about what in the wide-world of sports is going on in this interview.