WATCH: Gordon Hayward, Brad Wanamaker talk Disney restart

Boston Celtics veterans Gordon Hayward and Brad Wanamaker spoke at length about the Disney-hosted restart Friday.

As the Boston Celtics get ready for the resumption of the 2019-20 NBA season at the Disney campus the league will call home until mid-October, they have been hosting daily media availability sessions with players after they finish their mandatory individual workouts.

With dates set for the team’s travel to the Orlando-area sports complex hosting the NBA set along with a schedule for three scrimmages to take place in late July, the restart is finally starting to come together.

Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic that interrupted the season in the first place nearly four months ago continues to grow in Florida.

On the brighter side, the Celtics continue to test negative for the virus while other franchises sort out a fair amount of positive cases among the 350-odd players participating in the Disney-hosted restart.

On Friday, reserve guard Brad Wanamaker and veteran forward Gordon Hayward shared their feelings on these and several other important issues from racial justice protests to the birth of Hayward’s next child and his need to leave the ‘bubble’ for several days were discussed.

Watch the videos embedded above to hear both of these Celtics’ thoughts during Friday’s media availability at the Auerbach Center practice facilities in Waltham, Massachusetts.

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