Watch: Freeman leads Notre Dame out of tunnel for Blue Gold Game

We could get used to this.

Few if any Notre Dame fans count anything in the Blue Gold Game unless someone gets seriously hurt. Therefore, Marcus Freeman leading the Irish out of the tunnel at Notre Dame Stadium hasn’t officially happened yet. Still, it’s nice to get a preview of what it will look like once September rolls around with a packed stadium and an actual opponent to play. That’s why it was exciting for the decent-sized crowd that gathered for the Irish’s annual spring game to see this:

Here’s hoping Freeman will be doing this for a long time during Saturdays in the fall. He clearly has the respect of everyone in that locker room, and he definitely loves where he’s at. Maybe it’s because this is first opportunity to lead a major college program, or maybe deep down, he’s completely shed his Ohio State roots and doesn’t want to coach anywhere else ever. Either way, the Irish are lucky to have him (no pun intended).

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