WATCH: Dennis Schroder gets tooth knocked out vs. Heat, saves it in sock

Schroder had his tooth knocked out in the second quarter of the Thunder’s 115-108 loss to the Miami Heat on Friday night.

Maybe he wanted to save it for the tooth fairy.

Dennis Schroder got his tooth knocked out during Oklahoma City’s game against Miami on Friday night. Then, he put it in his sock.

The incident happened in the second quarter when Schroder was working against Duncan Robinson.

The contact doesn’t look to be too hard, but Schroder immediately stopped and reached for his mouth as Robinson poked the ball away and out of bounds.

The Thunder guard searched along the court for a few seconds, then completely undeterred, Schroder picked up the tooth, put it back in his sock and continued to play.

Losing a tooth didn’t hinder Schroder’s performance at all. He came off the bench to score 18 points, grab seven rebounds and dish out eight assists. Schroder played 38 minutes in the loss to the Heat, starting the second half in place of Terrance Ferguson.

Shockingly, this isn’t the first time that Schroder has lost a tooth in the middle of a game and stuffed it in his sock.

As a member of the Atlanta Hawks in 2015, Schroder had a tooth knocked out during a game against the Portland Trail Blazers. As he did on Friday, he put it in his sock and kept playing.


No word on if Friday’s night tooth was the same one.