Warnings issued after bear knocks angler to ground

British Columbia authorities have issued a public safety warning after an angler was knocked to the ground by a black bear alongside a popular fishing creek.

British Columbia authorities have issued a public safety warning after an angler was knocked to the ground by a black bear alongside a popular fishing creek.

The B.C. Conservation Officer Service stated Thursday that it had just become aware of the Oct. 15 incident, in which the bear silently approached the angler from behind at Kootowis Creek near Tofino.

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“The bear made contact with the man, who was able to scare the animal away,” the agency reported via Twitter. “Although the bear knocked the man over, he was not injured.

“Conservation Officers are at the scene investigating and will continue to monitor the area. Signage is being placed to advise the public.”

It was not clear why the bear initiated contact with the fisherman.

Kootowis Creek is popular among anglers targeting salmon and cutthroat trout.