Vince Carter thanks fans for support with uncertainty surrounding NBA’s season

The NBA season has been suspended and it’s unknown if the league will continue the season at a later date or cancel 2019-20 altogether.

Following news that a Utah Jazz player had tested positive for COVID-19, the NBA suspended the 2019-20 season.

In addition to health concerns, the series of events has impacted others around the game. For example, there’s the matter of workers at arenas not getting paid, which players and others around the game have spoken up about.

Given the severity of the situation surrounding the coronavirus outbreak and the way other organizations are handling the situation, there’s uncertainty if the 2019-20 season will eventually continue.

If the season were to be canceled, it would mark the end of the career of former New Jersey Nets legend Vince Carter, who knocked down what could be his last shot attempt in the NBA during the Atlanta Hawks’ game against the New York Knicks on Wednesday

Carter has since taken to Twitter to thank all the fans who supported him throughout his Hall of Fame career: