Vikings listed as a team that should consider Colin Kaepernick

Mike Sando of The Athletic thinks that the Vikings should consider signing Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick, a player who became famous for protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the national anthem, has been out of the league since 2016.

Kaepernick’s level of play, in addition to the NFL changing its rhetoric on protesting during the national anthem, has led to people saying that the former NFL quarterback should get another shot at the league.

Mike Sando of The Athletic is the latest person to speculate about what teams would be good for Kaepernick to sign with.

Sando split his list into three tiers: teams that should pursue Kaepernick, teams that should consider Kaepernick and teams that would be best off standing pat.

The Vikings fall into the second tier, among the teams that should consider signing the quarterback. Here’s what Sando said about Minnesota:

“Minnesota Vikings: Sean Mannion is backing up Kirk Cousins. Mannion has zero touchdown passes in two career starts with two teams. The Vikings’ heavy play-action offense places some value on quarterback mobility for maximizing naked bootlegs, which could help Kaepernick fit. Kaepernick playing in Minneapolis, site of Floyd’s killing, could carry additional meaning.”

Overall, I think Kaepernick could be an upgrade over what the Vikings have at backup quarterback right now. Also, he adds a different dimension to the offense, assuming he’s still a mobile quarterback.