Video review: Baker Mayfield touchdown #5 of 2020

Video Review: Keeping the play alive and good awareness for a rookie combine for Baker Mayfield’s fifth touchdown on the season.

As we prepare for the 2021 season we want to take a look back at some of the things from the 2020 season and what we can learn from them for the Cleveland Browns. In particular, we are going to focus on Baker Mayfield with these video reviews.

As is the reality of the NFL in our day and age, the quarterback makes the offense successful or not. Mayfield is no different for the Browns and his 2020 season was one to get excited about with very few flaws and most of them coming early in the season as he adjusted to Kevin Stefanski’s offense.

New Windows
Mayfield’s first touchdown pass of the season
Mayfield’s second touchdown pass of the season
Mayfield’s third touchdown pass of the season
Mayfield’s first interception of the season
Mayfield’s second interception of the season
Mayfield’s fourth touchdown pass of the season

Touchdown #5 gives us an interesting look at route combinations near the endzone where there is not a lot of time to go through progressions. Most routes this close are “win early” type routes and, if those don’t work, then scramble drill.

We see that here with Mayfield’s second touchdown pass of this game to rookie Harrison Bryant:

Mayfield does a great job extending the play and Bryant shows good awareness, especially for a rookie, to keep moving into an open zone.