Video: Mannix, Mora: Is Adrien Broner worth $10 million for next fight?

Adrien Broner hasn’t won a fight in three years yet the brash boxer from Cincinnati has demanded he be paid $10 million for his next fight.

Adrien Broner hasn’t won a fight in three years. And his name isn’t exactly on everyone’s lips these days.

Yet the brash boxer from Cincinnati has demanded he be paid $10 million for his next fight.

Well, on one hand, there is his 0-2-1 record in his last three fights. Not good. On the other hand, Broner remains a provocative figure when he gets the attention he seems to love. That certainly generates interest in his fights.

But $10 million? That might be a bit much.

In this episode of Jabs with Mannix and Mora, DAZN commentators Chris Mannix and Sergio Mora discuss whether the former four-division titleholder deserves that kind of money.

This is what they had to say.

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