Video: Lions’ Matt Prater takes on a Mark Rober robot in field goal competition

Detroit Lions kicker Matt Prater puts his skills up against a Mark Rober built robot in a field goal kicking contest at Ford Field.

Detroit Lions kicker Matt Prater puts his skills up against a Mark Rober built robot in a field goal kicking contest.

For those unfamiliar with Rober, he is an engineer who worked at NASA and Apple before striking it big with do-it-yourself science-based YouTube videos, with his most notable being his Glitterbomb — a glitter exploding, stink bomb spraying package designed to punish package thieves.

In his most recent video, released just before this year’s Super Bowl, Rober met up with Prater at Ford Field in Detroit to test his machine against the reigning NFL longest field goal record holder.

After a few pointers from Prater on the science behind field goal kicking, including proper technique, leg speed, and contact location on the ball, the pair have a friendly kick-for-kick competition — where Prater predictably, toys with Rober.

Once Prater clearly proves himself as the better kicker, Rober introduces his robot into the competition.

Rober takes viewers through the process of how he developed the robot, and once Prater was able to see its potential, he got serious and started knocking them through from far distances — including 50, 55, 60, and 65-yard successful field goals.

Then Robber dialed up the robot up to its full potential.

To see what happens, check out the full 21-minute video below: