USF Using Video of Notre Dame Game to Contact Trace

With Notre Dame seeing a COVID-19 outbreak, no one is taking any chances.

With Notre Dame seeing a COVID-19 outbreak, no one is taking any chances. That includes USF, the Irish’s most recent opponent. In light of the developments in South Bend, the Bulls have opted to contact trace by looking at the video of Saturday’s game. There were no positive tests during the two rounds conducted Friday or the one from Monday.

USF has had problems with the availability of offensive linemen. Whether or not that is because of the virus is unknown. When asked how close the Bulls have gotten to canceling a game, coach Jeff Scott said the following:

We have not gotten to that point yet. It was just to the point where the guys who maybe had to go into the game just got here as true freshmen but we have not – thank goodness – we have not been to a point yet where we have had too many at one position. It has only been a lot of key guys but you do have some younger walk-ons and stuff that just showed up that can give you a little bit of depth.

Let’s hope that no more significant virus damage comes to Notre Dame or any of its opponents this season. Sadly, that’s wishful thinking in this environment. All we can do is pray for everyone’s safety and judgment.