Ubisoft accidentally released Beyond Good & Evil anniversary edition

Beyond Good and Evil Anniversary Edition is real, and we know this for sure, as Ubisoft accidentally released the action game months early

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Beyond Good and Evil Anniversary Edition is real, and we know this for sure, as Ubisoft released the action game several months early. Oops. The accident – which included a store listing and full copies of the game sent to Ubisoft+ subscribers – happened before Ubisoft even announced the game’s existence, even though the ESRB leaked it earlier in 2023.

Ubisoft acknowledged the mistaken leak on the Beyond Good & Evil 2 Twitter page and said they plan to release Beyond Good & Evil Anniversary Edition early in 2024.

The studio removed footage and images from the internet after some of those Ubisoft+ subscribers posted it, and while some reactions to the scrubbed-up visuals were less than favorable, Ubisoft said the build was an in-progress version of the game. The now-delisted store page said the full release will support 4K resolution and 60fps, and it comes with a few other upgrades as well (thanks, Eurogamer).

One of those is a new treasure hunt mode that gives Jade special new gear and gives you more knowledge about her backstory. It will also feature achievements, a speedrun mode, and some developer insights and commentary in a separate gallery.

If you don’t want to wait that long and you have an Xbox, you can play Beyond Good & Evil‘s 360 version via backwards compatibility.

There’s still no word about Beyond Good & Evil 2, or whether it remains in active development. Series creator Michel Ancel – who later departed Ubisoft and faced sexual misconduct allegations – teased a sequel in 2007, and Ubisoft announced it with a trailer in 2017 with a small update in 2019 and nothing since.

Meanwhile, Ubisoft is giving away one of the best Assassin’s Creed games for free for a short while, and unlike Beyond Good & Evil Anniversary Edition, they won’t take it back.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF