Two reported clauses in the CBA are obviously targeted at young players

The owners aren’t stupid. They didn’t become billionaires by just sheer luck or by mistake. They know how to negotiate. They know how to run a business and make deals. Two reported clauses in the CBA make it pretty obvious that they are targeting …

The owners aren’t stupid. They didn’t become billionaires by just sheer luck or by mistake. They know how to negotiate. They know how to run a business and make deals. Two reported clauses in the CBA make it pretty obvious that they are targeting younger players on cheaper contracts to garner as many player votes as possible to push this CBA. Again, it’s a smart decision since it’s the best way to a deal.

The first reported clause is targeted at minimum salaried players. In 2019, the league minimum salary was as follows:

  • Rookie: $495,000
  • 1 year: $570,000
  • 2 years: $645,000
  • 3 years: $720,000
  • 4-6 years: $806,000
  • 7-9 years: $930,000
  • 10+ years: $1,030,000

According to the most recent report, that rookie jumps substantially to $610,000. Aha! You say. Rookies aren’t voting on the deal because they aren’t yet members! Well yes, that is true . . . but the minimum jumps substantially for every career milestone. Take a look:

That player who made the minimum salary of $495,000 would make $675,000 with one-year of service. They would have to be in the league for over two years to make more than that. Also, the minimum number increases at a nice clip every year they can stay in the league. NFL players always believe in themselves and if they believe they can stay in the league, that minimum salary number is great. A lot of players in the league are on minimum salaries. It’s not crazy to think those players will vote on the CBA in their own self-interest.

The NFL can’t just be concerned about the lower-paid players — even though that’s the biggest vote market share that owners are targeting — so they also created a clause that would help players get compensated for performance. This clause is focused on first-round players who end up having to deal with fifth-year team options. Those options aren’t going away, but players can be substantially rewarded for playing time and accolades. Two Pro-Bowls in three years triggers the fifth-year option at the franchise tag. One Pro-Bowl moves it to the transition tag. Even players who play a high percentage of snaps get an average salary of the third-twentieth players at their position. Again, not bad. This clause is only for players who were drafted in 2018 and onward. That’s not a ton of players, but every vote counts.

Plus, this allows agents to tell players that this may be a good deal for future draft picks. Players always talk about making the game better for players who are coming after them. Well, these clauses are targeted at younger players or players who play on minimum contracts. Agents can frame it as building the game for a younger generation. It’s important to note that those agents will also get more money since they collect a percentage of the future players’ contracts. Everyone wins.

So there’s the strategy. Sure, higher-paid players came out pretty publicly against the current iteration of the new CBA, but those higher-paid players don’t have near close to a majority when it comes to the number of total votes in the league. Yes, it’s a divide and conquer strategy by the owners . . . but it just might work.