Troubling details emerge about Mike Bohn’s management of USC athletics

.@Ryan_Kartje of @LATimesSports produced detailed reporting on the deeper story inside #USC athletics.

What has happened inside the walls of the USC athletic department under former athletic director Mike Bohn’s leadership? Speculation flew across the internet and the USC community when the explosive news of Bohn’s abrupt resignation hit the wires on Friday afternoon. Just exactly what was going on, and why?

We don’t have all the answers, and more details are probably going to be revealed in the coming days and weeks, but we at least know what the fundamental issue was and is.

Ryan Kartje of the Los Angeles Times reported on Friday that according to multiple sources inside the USC athletic department, Bohn made inappropriate remarks about the physical appearance of female colleagues. Additional sources told Kartje that Bohn did not attend meetings he was supposed to attend.

Kartje pointed out that on Thursday, Bohn and USC were asked by the L.A. Times about internal department criticisms of Bohn’s management and leadership practices. The fact that Bohn submitted his resignation on Friday, one day later, is notable.

Let’s go through a number of the details raised by the Times’ reporting on this story: