Tom Brady completely stunned golf fans with a miracle shot out of nowhere

The best comeback of Tom Brady’s career was on the golf course.

As we have pointed out numerous times today, Tom Brady was so bad at golf during much of Sunday’s The Match that people made charitable offers just to make him play less terribly.

He couldn’t do anything right for six holes — he looked completely out of place — but then something weird happened … Tom Brady pulled off THE SHOT of the event.

On his fourth shot (the graphic incorrectly says third) on the seventh hole, Brady birdied the Par 5 from well over 100 yards out. Considering how poor he looked in the first six holes, this was the best comeback of his career. The Falcons are now off the hook.

I mean, look at this shot.

Seriously, he did this shot just moments earlier. Nothing makes sense.

No wonder golf fans couldn’t believe what they just witnessed.

Golf is such a weird game, and it’s magical.

[jwplayer cgj4eh7o-q2aasYxh]