Toledo football wasn’t about to shut down its touchdown dunk tank for a little cold weather.
Indeed, the Rockets’ Halloween game against Buffalo took place in snowy conditions, and the team scoring 21 points by early in the second quarter meant that the dunk tank was already getting a lot of work in.
This is a heck of a way to take one for the team if you’re one of the poor people who is being dunked into the surely freezing cold water.
It’s so cold that the broadcast mentioned Toledo fans only get one dunk per score before passing it off to the next person.
Toledo has a dunk tank in use after every touchdown… on a night it's snowing.
— The Comeback (@thecomeback) November 1, 2023
Hopefully for the dunk tank’s sake, Toledo would kick more field goals from here on out. Otherwise, it was going to be a real cold one for the fans out there taking the plunge.
Look, no matter how much you love a college football team, it’s next-level dedication to volunteer for the touchdown dunk tank on a night where it’s snowing.
Feature image courtesy of ESPN.
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