Todd Gurley to Rams: ‘Come June 1st, I better have my money’

Todd Gurley isn’t talking to his former Rams teammates until the team pays him what he’s owed.

Todd Gurley was released by the Rams almost two months ago, but he still hasn’t gotten the money he’s owed by the team. The Rams were apparently on the hook for $7.55 million after cutting Gurley, but because he signed with the Falcons, they don’t have to pay him $2.5 million of that amount.

Still, $5 million is still a huge chunk of change, and Gurley still hasn’t gotten his check in the mail. He seems to be growing frustrated with the situation, even saying he’s distanced himself from his former Rams teammates until he gets his money.

“I still ain’t got my money, so it’s really, forget the Rams right now. I don’t even care about them,” he said on Uninterrupted. “I told my ex-teammates that they can’t even text me or call me until I get my money. As soon as I get my money, then I’ll be cool with everybody else.”

Rams GM Les Snead said Gurley and Clay Matthews, who recently filed a grievance against the team for the $2 million he’s owed, will get their money. The hold up is likely due to offset language in both players’ contracts, but Gurley doesn’t fully understand why he hasn’t been paid yet.

He thinks the Rams might be using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse, but regardless of the reasoning, he wants his money by the start of next month.

“I don’t know what their reason is. And the worst thing about it is they know they have to pay me too,” he said. “Apparently probably just using the COVID thing as an excuse. Or they probably ain’t got no money to be paying anybody. They’ve got that stadium being built right now. All I know is, come June 1st, I better have my money.”

ESPN reported that Gurley doesn’t plan to file a grievance against the Rams like Matthews did. Gurley confirmed that bit of news on the podcast, explaining why it doesn’t make sense for him to go that route.

“The thing is, right now the grievances are on hold. So the team would have to set that meeting up. So they’ve kind of got the upper-hand right now because they know all this COVID stuff is going on,” he said. “It wouldn’t make sense for me to file a grievance because this spring case won’t get heard until next spring and once you file a grievance, it puts everything on hold, so it doesn’t even make sense for me to file a grievance right now.”

Gurley often tries to look on the bright side of things, which is what he’s doing in this situation.

“I shouldn’t have to negotiate my money when it’s already written. But it is what it is at this point. I know I’m going to get my money for sure, so I have to look on the positive side,” he added.

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