Tobias Harris posts memory of Boban Marjanovic, says he misses him

Philadelphia 76ers forward Tobias Harris gives everybody a laugh with an old video of Boban Marjanovic.

With everybody quarantining themselves as they try and stay safe and beat COVID-19, everybody is looking for a laugh to try and get their minds off the current situation we’re all in.

Look no further than Philadelphia 76ers forward Tobias Harris who has been plenty busy since the NBA has been suspended. He has been posting postgame congratulatory win posts on Instagram as if the Sixers had just got done pulling out a win and now he is posting old memories of his best friend Boban Marjanovic that will give everybody a laugh.

Harris and Marjanovic, of course, have kept a tight friendship since their time together with the Detroit Pistons. Even with Marjanovic leaving for the Dallas Mavericks in the offseason, the two have kept their friendship alive.

The Sixers and the Mavericks have already played out their season schedule so the two of them won’t see each other until the offseason, whenever that may be. [lawrence-related id=28103,28097,28091]