Tim Tebow shared his advice for Urban Meyer after his embarrassing bar scandal

Tim Tebow had some pointed advice for Meyer.

Just when you thought the Urban Meyer situation was starting to fade away into the media abyss, here we go again.

Meyer’s troubling behavior has been the talk of the NFL world for an entire week, essentially. Keep in mind this is a week in which one of the best defensive players in the entire NFL was traded. That’s how flummoxed people are by Meyer right now.

Adding another layer to the story is Meyer’s right-hand man, Tim Tebow.

The one-time Jaguars tight end made a stop by the desk on ESPN’s First Take to talk about Meyer’s situation, as well as how disappointing and hurtful it was to see — not just for him, but for Meyer’s wife.

“I think, first of all, this is a very disappointing, frustrating and honestly heartbreaking situation. When I first saw and heard about what happened, my heart was hurting for Miss Shelley, coach’s wife.” 

Tebow also shared a bit of advice he gave to Meyer after the incident.

“My advice to him was to apologize, to admit it, to learn from it and to never, ever repeat it.” 

Tebow said Meyer called this “one of the hardest times of his life” and apologized to him for it. Meyer will have to work toward earning back respect in the locker room, Tebow said, after neglecting to fly back with the team to visit the bar instead.

Clearly this situation isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s still fresh in people’s minds and will be for a while — especially if the Jaguars remain this bad.

But, hey. At least we know he’s still got Tim Tebow on his side, right?

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