Tim Boyle has a broken thumb, status for 2021 uncertain

Coach Campbell revealed that Boyle broke his thumb in the preseason finale and is having surgery on Monday

After sputtering for most of training camp and the preseason, Lions backup quarterback Tim Boyle put together a fantastic scoring drive on Detroit’s second possession in the exhibition game against the Indianapolis Colts on Friday night. Amazingly enough, Boyle directed the 14-play drive with a broken thumb on his throwing hand.

Lions head coach Dan Campbell revealed on Monday that Boyle suffered a broken thumb in the preseason finale. Boyle injured the right thumb when he was bowled under on a sack that ended the Lions’ first possession. Per Campbell, Boyle is having surgery on Monday.

Despite the injury, Campbell did not rule out Boyle from returning in 2021. He remains on the team’s roster after the first wave of roster cutdown moves.

Boyle was signed this offseason to compete with David Blough for the backup QB position behind Jared Goff. Blough played well enough to earn the spot, but Boyle’s strong finish showed why the Lions chased the ex-Packers reserve in free agency.

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