Tiki Barber accuses Titans’ Mike Vrabel of tampering with Tom Brady

Tiki Barber thinks the FaceTime call between Tom Brady and Mike Vrabel is tampering.

Former NFL running back Tiki Barber has accused Tennessee Titans head coach Mike Vrabel of tampering with New England Patriots quarterback and impending free agent Tom Brady.

Video surfaced of Vrabel at the other end of a FaceTime call with Brady when the future Hall of Famer and his (soon-to-be former?) teammate Julian Edelman attended the Syracuse-North Carolina game last Saturday.

It was the FaceTime heard ’round the world.

Vrabel, who was a guest on “Good Morning Football” on Friday, was asked about it and brushed it off as just old friends having an innocent conversation.

But clearly Barber doesn’t see it that way and thinks Vrabel being on FaceTime with Brady is tampering.

Of course, there is no concrete evidence that the Titans actually want to sign Brady, despite what Barber believes. All we have to go on is rumors and speculation at the moment.

It remains to be seen if the Patriots will even file a complaint about this or if the league will see it Barber’s way, but chances are it’ll at least be looked into if Brady does indeed head to Nashville.

And, if the league ultimately decides Vrabel and Brady’s FaceTime call is tampering, the Titans could be fined and lose draft picks.

This is yet another twist in the never-ending saga that has been Brady’s impending free agency.

We are less than two weeks away from when players can start negotiating with teams on March 16, with free agents being able to officially sign contracts on March 18 — and those dates can’t come soon enough.