This stat about Tom Brady’s postseason success vs. other 11 QBs in playoffs is ridiculous

“Is that pretty good?”

Tom Brady, as well all know by now, has been pretty successful in the postseason. He’s won six Super Bowls, has been to nine in total, and has played in like a billion AFC title games.

This year he enters the postseason with a lot more doubt than in years past, however, as the Patriots have to play their first wild-card game since 2009 thanks to that ugly and surprising loss to the Miami Dolphins last week.

But here’s a wild stat about the 42-year-old GOAT: Brady has 30 total playoff wins in his career. The other 11 QBs in this year’s playoff have combined for 26 playoff wins.

Brady was asked about that on Thursday, to which he replied “Is that pretty good?”

Yes, yes it is:

Brady and the Patriots will square off with Ryan Tannehill and the Titans on Saturday night. The 31-year-old QB, who has had a stellar season to the surprise of just about everyone, will be playing his first playoff game in his 7-year career.

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