This mashup video of the sound it makes when Tiger Woods hits a golf ball is mesmerizing

Tiger Woods flushing it on the range has never sounded cooler.

Tiger Woods, the greatest golfer to ever tee it up, makes his return to the PGA Tour this week at Torrey Pines, a place where he has had some incredible success, including that memorable U.S. Open victory when he played on basically one leg.

The defending Masters champion now needs just one Tour win to pass Sam Snead for most career wins with 83, so every time he tees it up could be another step toward some pretty incredible history.

The PGA Tour celebrated his return this week with a pretty mesmerizing video of Tiger absolutely flushing shots on the range. You need to turn the sound up here and enjoy some mystifying golf porn:

Wow that is great. I’ve already watched it like 10 times and texted it to a bunch of friends.

I’m not the only one who felt that way about it:

Tiger tees off Thursday at 9:40 am PT. That’s 12:40 p.m. ET for you East Coasters. No need to thank me for doing that math for you. It’s just what I do.