This incredible camera angle from the Thunder game had Twitter thinking it was NBA 2K21

This looks AMAZING.

Alright, so I’ve never been one of those people who have looked at a video game on television and thought it was actually real.

Normally, it’s pretty easy to tell the difference between an actual game and NBA 2K or FIFA or whatever. When you play video games, you just know.

But, uh, I had to watch this camera angle from Friday’s Thunder game a few times before realizing that, no, this wasn’t demo footage from NBA 2K21 on the PlayStation 5. It’s actually just real life.

The Thunder posted this new camera angle from their social media feed and it looks absolutely amazing.

Alright, man. I’m not tripping. I can’t be the only person who thought this, right? I mean, look at Jayson Tatum here! That looks like 2K sweat! Or, I guess, 2K sweat looks like real life? Whatever, man. This camera angle is insanely detailed.

I’m not the only one who thought this! The internet did, too!


And here’s exactly how you know it’s great — we’re not event talking about how Chris Paul casually tossed a curve ball with a basketball.  Sheesh.

More of this angle, please. In fact, NBA, just broadcast all of the games like this. We’ll eat it up.

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