There is a petition to reinstate Myles Garrett

It’s non-binding but might make Browns fans feel a little better

Browns fans have taken the initiative to defend Myles Garrett after the Thursday night brawl at the end of the team’s 21-7 win over the Pittsburgh Steelers. There is now a petition circulating on social media to get the star defensive end reinstated from his indefinite suspension.

Created at by Browns fan Larry Vishak, the fan-centric movement hopes to get the harsh penalty on Garrett reduced. From the petition,

On the night of November 14th 2019, Myles Garrett was attacked while playing for the admirable Cleveland Browns, by an evil fill in QB named Mason Rudolph, and his yellow henchmen. Myles, being the beloved defensive man he is, fought back and won ripping Masons helmet off! Unfortunately, the evil zebras and Mr Roger Goodell of the NFL, conspired to end Garrett’s shining year, and take the wind out of our beloved Cleveland Browns.

As of Sunday morning, the petition already had over 40,000 signatures.

It’s extraordinarily unlikely to accomplish anything other than making Browns fans feel a little better, but supporting Garrett and voicing displeasure at Rudolph not getting punished is a worthwhile endeavor.