The Tomb Raider reboot trilogy is free on the Epic Games Store

Lara Croft’s fortune.

It’s time once again to crack-open the Epic Games Store, peer inside, and see what treasures there are to scoop up. 

Thursday’s free titles on the Epic Games Store are the Tomb Raider  reboot trilogy — yes, all three of them! For the ultra-low-cost of zero dollars and zero cents, you can get Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It’s an excellent series for anyone that loves stabbing modern-day pirates in the guts and climbing mountains. Like Uncharted, but with combat that’s actually fun!

The Tomb Raider  reboot trilogy is free on the Epic Games Store from now until Jan. 6, 2022, at 8 A.M. PDT / 9 A.M. MDT / 11 A.M. EDT, which gives you nearly a week to get them.

You can pick up the Tomb Raider  reboot trilogy for free on the Epic Games Store here

You can pick up the Tomb Raider  reboot trilogy for free on the Epic Games Store here

Given the extra-long date to pick these titles up, it seems the Epic Games Store’s holiday week of freebies has come to an end. A pretty decent variety of solid games was on offer, including Salt and Sanctuary, VampyrMoving OutPathfinder: Kingmaker – Enhanced Plus Edition, and plenty more. If you missed out on those, well, better luck next year!

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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