Spider-Man: No Way Home, the latest installment in the insanely popular Marvel Cinematic Universe, has been highly successful since hitting theaters back in December. The movie is now the third-highest grossing domestic release ever, making $772 million (so far). No Way Home has passed Avatar for domestic box office, and only trails Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Avengers: Endgame (the latter of which also starred Tom Holland as Spider-Man).
The movie has also gotten rave reviews from critics and fans. It’s tied as the fourth-highest rated MCU entry according to Rotten Tomatoes with a solid 93% (Black Panther, Endgame, and Iron Man come in ahead of it), and No Way Home is tied with 2021’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings for the highest audience score at 98%.
If you somehow haven’t seen it yet and have avoided spoilers (including the headline of this post), turn away now if you don’t want anything ruined for you.
One of the reasons this movie hit with viewers was the inclusion of both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, who played the iconic roles in their own franchises. To celebrate the release of No Way Home, the trio of web shooters recreated the oh-so-famous Spider-Man pointing meme.
of course, we got THE meme. #SpiderManNoWayHome swings home on Digital March 22 and on 4K UHD & Blu-ray on April 12!
Pre-order now: https://t.co/Rythp0WfkU pic.twitter.com/pOmV6y3lJr
— Spider-Man: No Way Home (@SpiderManMovie) February 23, 2022
Sony releases photo of the three Spider-Man actors recreating the iconic meme. đź•· pic.twitter.com/Chd8qsXEoS
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) February 23, 2022
It’s absolutely perfect.
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