The Sooners losing helps the Buckeyes

The Sooners losing opens the door for the Buckeyes to march toward the final four teams, now they have to walk through it.

As the clock struck zero, Norman, Oklahoma went quiet. To the shock of the college football world Kansas State walked out the victors over Oklahoma. But the real winners may be the Buckeyes, and they haven’t played a single game yet.

The Buckeyes playing a condensed schedule raised some questions on how the playoff committee would see the Buckeyes, or really, the entire Big Ten. As teams from other “power five” conferences would have played games before the first kickoff for the Buckeyes. Oklahoma losing now allows the Buckeyes a more defined path to the final four teams.

Sure, Texas is still out there, but very few people outside of the burnt orange feel they are a top four team in the nation. That now allows the Big Ten, and the odds-on favorites in the conference, Ohio State a direct path. It would be hard to think the playoff committee now puts in a one loss Big 12 team, especially one that lost to the team that lost to Arkansas State.

There is still a long road to go before the final four teams are named. There is always the risk of two SEC teams, a PAC 12 team, and an ACC team, possible even Texas . However, even in a strange year like 2020, keeping a Big Ten team out if they run the table would be a strange and surprising move for the business of college football.

Oklahoma losing is one of the best things that could have happened to the Buckeyes. While Kansas State is celebrating the win, the Buckeyes will be partying the night away as well. A straight shot to the playoffs, provided the Buckeyes take care of business like we all think they will, is now in their hands.

Thank you Kansas State, we here at Buckeye Nation thank you for your hard work and well played game. Thank you Lincoln Riley for punting, when you should have not punted. Thank you for opening the door, now the Buckeyes just need to walk through.