The NFL’s Week 12 Overreaction Index: Hot Seat Edition

Looking at the NFL head coaches on the hot seat, like Doug Pederson with the Philadelphia Eagles, to see if firing them is the right move.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it. Sure, Ferris Bueller said that as a high schooler with big visions, but the same could be true about covering the NFL.

Because in an effort to get ahead of work for this coming week, I started writing this piece last Friday morning. Since the topic this week covers coaches who are potentially going to be looking for work come January, I figured I could get a head start and fill in details as the games were played this week.

I started my post-Thanksgiving workday with an easy one. It concluded as follows:

As a matter of fact, I wrote this on Friday to get ahead of work this weekend. It might be moot by Monday.”

It sure was. Matt Patricia – along with general manager Dan Quinn – was fired on Saturday.

Here’s hoping the other coaches mentioned in this now updated piece avoid the same fate.