The NBA is hosting a ‘players only’ NBA 2K tournament

We finally get to see who is actually good at 2K.

If you’ve ever wondered how good your favorite NBA players are at NBA 2K video games, you’re about to find out.

With real basketball being out of the picture for the foreseeable future, the NBA is tapping in to NBA 2K to provide fans with some entertainment. They’re hosting a “players only” NBA 2K tournament that will have 16 actual NBA players playing against each other in a tournament format.

Some of the details are still being nailed down, but the tournament starts on Friday and will be broadcast live on ESPN over the course of 10 days. Here’s a look at the field.

I’ve always wondered if NBA players play the game as themselves — especially if they have a lower rating on the game. Now, it looks like we’re going to find out.

If it were me? I’d probably say Trae Young comes out of this thing the winner. Kevin Durant has the best rating, obviously, but he also doesn’t seem like he plays video games.

Trae Young is young just seems like the 2K type, if you know what I mean. He’s young enough with a good enough player to get it done.

But listen, Hassan Whiteside is a good pick. He already told us he lives for this 2K thing. Don’t sleep.

This should be pretty fun to watch with no basketball. At the very least, it gives us something to do. At this point? That’s all we need.

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