The Napkin: Week 6 betting picks highlighted by Alabama, Kansas

I’m driving the Kansas bandwagon until the Riggins brothers strip it for parts. I’ve been watching a lot of Friday Night Lights lately.

It may not seem like it, but last week’s edition of The Napkin was much better than the bet slip made it look. I went back to basics and followed the rules I laid out in my introductory post. The logic was sound, but the execution (and by execution I mean the spread) was not.

This week, I’m going to stick with teams that I think will win outright. Of the five picks on The Napkin this week, four of them are teams getting points, despite the fact that I think they’re going to win outright. I promise that the fifth pick will make sense, despite the massive spread that needs to be covered.

This isn’t a “there’s some value there” principle play. This is an “oh wow, they’re actually giving them points” principle play.

I went 1-4 last week with my selections to bring us to 8-19 on the season. I have a really good feeling about this week. Why? No idea. I just do.

All odds are provided by BetMGM, our current official partner here at Gators Wire.

Without further ado, The Napkin for Week 6.