The Full Buck Moon and other celestial events coming in July

Don’t let this moon pass you by.

If yesterday’s James Webb Space Telescope image release left you craving more celestial wonders, look no further than tonight’s Buck Moon. Described by as “the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year,” the Buck Moon reached peak illumination at 2:38 p.m. EDT. Watch the sky for a glimpse of the full moon tonight, and mark your calendar for more cool moon phases coming later this month.

Also called “Moon When the Chokecherries are Ripe” by the Dakota people, the Buck Moon is just one of July’s interesting astronomical occurrences. Additional moon phases to watch for this month include the last quarter moon on July 20 and the new moon on July 28. When you look up at the sky to enjoy these moon phases, keep an eye out for the Summer Triangle, too. The stars Vega, Altair, and Deneb make up the three corners of the Summer Triangle. Check out this star map to help guide your stargazing.

If the weather in your area blocks the Buck Moon tonight, tune into a moon livestream. On YouTube, live videos like this one let you observe the full moon and chat with other space enthusiasts. Need even more ways to look at the moon? Check out the gallery of Strawberry Moon photos below, or this gallery of super flower blood moon photos.

Lead image via Sue Thompson