The Brooklyn Nets are giving serious …

The Brooklyn Nets are giving serious consideration to keeping Jacque Vaughn as head coach, but there has been an increase in speculation that Mark Jackson will be a strong candidate for the job with potential support from Kevin Durant. “There’s been no discussion, very little discussion about the Nets’ coach,” said Brian Windhorst on his podcast. “And I’m going to be very interested, Jackie, who gets that job. But some interesting things… If you’re paying close attention to social media. Rich Kleiman, who is Kevin Durant’s business partner and very influential, has been Tweeting about Mark Jackson recently. “He hasn’t Tweeted, ‘I want Mark Jackson to coach the Nets’, but there was a story in the New York Post just this last week where it was posited about Mark Jackson or Jason Kidd, who obviously was with the Nets before and left after one year.