The Bills used an Old Bay tweet to troll the Commanders but it all went terribly wrong

Try again next time, Buffalo Bills.

I don’t like telling people how to do their jobs because they’re much better at their jobs than I am. That’s why they have the job.

But if I could make a quick suggestion to team social media managers, I’d just like to say that maybe it’d be great if they stopped trying to use cultural references from the home cities of the teams they play against.

When it goes right? It’s awesome. But, more often than not, it goes wrong. And when it goes wrong? It goes terribly wrong.

Case in point: The Buffalo Bills.

The Bills social media account tried to roast the Commanders on Sunday after Buffalo beat Washington 37-3. The account tweeted out a graphic with a crushed Old Bay can on it.

It’s very clear that there’s no one on the team’s social staff that has ever spent much time in Washington, D.C. or Maryland because, if there was, they’d realize that this is probably a tweet they should’ve saved for a future Ravens game.

Old Bay is not a D.C. thing. It’s a Maryland thing. More specifically, it’s a Baltimore thing — which is actually completely different from a regular Maryland thing.

Old Bay, itself, had to get in on this.

That’s embarrassing, man. I kind of feel sorry for whoever runs the Bills account here. They didn’t know what they were getting into.

This is all complicated, I know. If I didn’t live in Maryland myself, I probably wouldn’t get it either. But guess what? I do. Congratulations, Bills. You played yourself.

The team got roasted for this. Rightfully so. This is an egregious mistake. Egregious!