The best Halloween games for horror fans and the scare-averse alike

Our best Halloween games list includes picks for scary games, psychological horror, and a few for the less fright-tolerant among us

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The best Halloween games look a bit different depending on what your scare tolerance is. There’s plenty of jumps, frights, zombies, and bloodshed if you’re into that sort of thing, with the likes of Resident Evil and System Shock. If you’d rather have a more cerebral experience, you might want to consider the video game equivalent of telling scary stories by the fire and, depending on the game, probably going to bed with the lights on. If scares aren’t really your thing, though, you’ve got plenty of choices for games that go heavy on atmosphere and leave the creepy stuff behind. Mostly. 


We’ve included picks for all those tastes and more in our roundup of the best Halloween games.