The best Baldur’s Gate 3 mods to spice up your adventure

We’ve picked out some of our favorite BG3 mods, from new BG3 classes to races, spells, Minthara, and one for a healthier, happier Scratch

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The best Baldur’s Gate 3 mods add everything from new spells to altered BG3 classes, races from another world, hairstyles, dog armor, and a whole lot more. The BG3 community’s biggest focus, aside from new cosmetic options, is bringing more of Dungeons and Dragons 5e into Larian’s game or expanding on what Larian already implemented, so while some mods change the game completely, most just act as natural complements to the base game experience. 

We’ve picked out some of our favorite BG3 mods below, but bear in mind that, like with any mods, these only work on the game’s PC version. You can’t use them on PS5 or the Xbox version, whenever that one launches.