The Bears’ Twitter account got hacked and announced new ownership


A well-known group of hackers didn’t wait long to take ownership for their cybervandalism on Sunday morning after making a false announcement from the Chicago Bears’ Twitter account.

The hackers took over the account and claimed that Turki Al-Sheikh, a Saudi Arabian royal court advisor, would be the new owner of the Bears. Of course, that’s false. The owner is Virginia McCaskey, the daughter of founder George Halas. Their family has owned the team for over a century.

Following the false statement, the Saudi-based group called “OurMine” took credit for the hack. They’d pulled off the hack, they said, to announce that they are “back” and “show people that everything is hackable.” And to encourage companies to hire them to complete “vulnerability assessments.”

So your password shouldn’t be “password”? Noted.

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