The 7 sports shoutouts in Fall Out Boy’s ridiculous We Didn’t Start the Fire update cover

Seriously. There’s a cover of We Didn’t Start the Fire from Fall Out Boy and there are many sports callouts.

As a Billy Joel superfan, I always wanted him to update his epic We Didn’t Start the Fire, a song made up entirely with lyrics that go through a bunch of decades in the 20th century.

He never did add lyrics for the 1990s, 2000s and 2010s. But now that Fall Out Boy decided to do it for him in a cover that almost feels like a parody of the OG song … but it’s not.

It’s exactly what I mentioned above — filling in the gaps with a bunch of names, events and so much more. You can listen to the song below, but we’re helping you out with the sports references made in it: