Texans OT Marcus Cannon returns to practice

Houston Texans tackle Marcus Cannon practiced for the first time in months at Houston Methodist Training Center Tuesday.

HOUSTON — Offensive tackle Marcus Cannon is close to making his long-awaited return to the gridiron. Houston Texans’ coach David Culley announced Tuesday morning that Cannon would practice with the team “on a limit basis” for the first time since organized team activities in May.

Cannon underwent a minor knee procedure in June that sidelined him all of training camp and preseason. During camp practices, Cannon spent the majority of his time working out on Houston’s rehabilitation field, alongside teammate Lane Taylor. According to Culley, Taylor will remain on the Texans’ physically unable to perform list.

With Cannon becoming active, his return to the field will alter Houston’s offensive line. He will likely take the helm as Houston’s right tackle — the position second-year offensive lineman Charlie Heck held since camp began.

“I like playing right tackle,” Cannon said. “That was fun. I got into a really good rhythm. I like playing guard, on the right side playing guard. I’ve played the left side too, but I don’t really have a super favorite position. I’m just happy to be out there. I’ll play any position they want me to play. I’m just happy to be a Texan.”