Tennessee fans react to possibility of Kevin Steele becoming head coach

Twitter was all over the news that Kevin Steele is now the new interim head coach at Tennessee

Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before: the head coach of a football program is fired and Kevin Steele is named interim head coach.  Déjà vu? No, just another day in the SEC.

It was only 17 days ago that we saw Kevin Steele act as interim head coach for Auburn as the Tigers took on Northwestern in the Citrus Bowl. Steele was not retained to Bryan Harsin’s staff (no surprises there) and returned home to his alma mater of Tennessee to take on the role of defensive coordinator.

Just days later head coach Jeremy Pruitt and AD Phillip Fulmer are ousted. Pruitt was fired with cause by the university Monday morning after an internal investigation resulted in the discovery of several major recruiting infractions. Fulmer announced this morning that he is stepping down as athletic director. His retirement is not directly related to the investigation of Pruitt, he just doesn’t want to be the fall-guy in this situation and I get it.

Let’s get back to the details here. Guess who was waiting in the wings to receive the nomination of interim head coach? YES, Kevin (insert middle name here) Steele! Many Volunteer fans have been paying close attention to what Auburn fans have had to say about the possibility of this man becoming a head coach, and well, there’s a mixed bag of responses here. Check them out:

I have no idea where Tennessee goes from this, honestly. In addition to firing Pruitt they also fired nine other football employees for violations. The good news is that Tennessee will have a lot of latitude in finding a new coaching staff with no buyouts attached. The bad news is that they’ll also need to locate a new athletic director and a wrecking crew, I mean football staff, that can clean this mess up.