Teammates have come and gone in …

Teammates have come and gone in McCollum’s seven years in Portland, but having wine together on the road has been so constant, CJ is the one most responsible for which bottles the team orders at dinner. “Typically I get the menu I get to pick it out,” McCollum said. “Coach Terry [Stotts] likes a lot of different cabs, so he orders the cabs, I order the different Oregon Pinots, then Geoff Clark, the head trainer, he orders a lot of different wines so we have a nice little system going.” And McCollum isn’t shy about trying to convince his teammates to get on his wine level. “It’s been cool to see how people have kind of evolved, [Damian Lillard] specifically he’s more of a white wine guy and I was like, ‘bro, you gotta stop drinking that stuff and move over to the red.’ Now he’s slowly started drinking red wine.”