TD Garden joins ‘Light It Blue’ campaign supporting COVID-19 workers

TD Garden — the Boston Celtics’ home court — joined facilities across the country in honoring medical and medical support workers braving COVID-19 to keep us safe.

Around the NBA and other U.S. professional sports arenas, the usual team colors in facilities lighting has been temporarily shifted to blue in support of the countless medical and medical-adjacent workers keeping the country safe in the coronavirus pandemic.

TD Garden joined that campaign Thursday evening, the usual green replaced with a soft blue hue in support of the risks and sacrifices being made by these brave souls on behalf of their communities.

Retweeted by Garden tenants the Boston Celtics (the team rents, rather than owns, their home arena), the message sent from TD Garden’s account read:

“To all the health care professionals & essential workers caring for us on the front lines – THANK YOU!  #TDGarden shines blue to show our support and gratitude. #LightItBlue #StayHomeBos”

Some fans in the Tweet’s mentions used the message as an opportunity to draw attention to the lack of definite support from Garden owner Jeremy Jacobs.

The Garden’s owner has only offered contingent support to some of his employees who work at events held at the facility that hosts Celtics games.

Boston has put together a package for game-day night employees of the Garden who work their events regardless of the fact they are not Celtics employees.

Jacobs and his umbrella corporation owning both the Garden and the Boston Bruins — Delaware North — has only pledged a $1.5 million fund contingent on games being permanently canceled.

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