Tale of the Tape: Leading Rushers – Kyren Williams vs. Ty Chandler

Who has the advantage here?

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Top running back is the closest battle Notre Dame and North Carolina have when it comes to offensive skills players. The Irish feed the ball to Kyren Williams a lot because he has been consistent on a unit when not many other players have. Yes, he has everything required to be a pure rusher at the college level, which is great. Even better is that he’s just as capable of catching passes, so the Tar Heels will have to revolve some of their game plan around him.

The Tar Heels have a more efficient runner in Ty Chandler. That said, he has only slight advantages in most categories as a running back. While he isn’t much of a receiver, the passes he does catch typically result in big gains. However, he only is averaging a reception a game, so the Irish’s defense will have to take its chances there so it can focus on areas that might be more of a threat.