Tale of the Tape: Leading Rushers – Audric Estime vs. Casey Filkins

Pretty comparable, no?

We’ve all accepted that [autotag]Audric Estime[/autotag] is Notre Dame’s best running back this year, right? After all, when you’ve averaging almost a touchdown a game and have over 5 yards a carry, that’s about all you can ask of somebody at that position. The Irish haven’t asked anyone to be a world-class back this season, and Estime’s numbers are reflective of that. If he can at least maintain these for the rest of the season, the offense will be in good shape.

Stanford brings Casey Filkins as its combatant in this lineup. Filkins is pretty comparable to Estime except that he has a decent receiving game to go with his skill set. Of course, there’s no telling until game time whether the Irish’s defense will allow Filkins to get going with screen passes, option passes or whatever. Given the something of a roll that group has been on recently, we’re inclined to say no.

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