Will Ferrell, disguised as Greg Olsen, crashed Seahawks meeting

Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll invited comedian Will Ferrell to crash the team’s zoom meeting, disguised as tight end Greg Olsen.

The Seattle Seahawks, like the rest of the NFL, are forced to hold their initial team meetings of the 2020 season virtually thanks to COVID-19.

While the team would surely prefer to be together in person, that doesn’t mean they can’t find ways to have a little fun on their virtual meetings.

Coach Pete Carroll began introducing veteran tight end Greg Olsen, who the team signed back in February, on a call with the team Thursday evening.

However – the team was instead introduced to comedian Will Ferrell, who was impersonating Olsen by wearing backward Seahawks hat and a number 12 jersey.

“Coach, thanks so much I’m so excited to be here,” Ferrell deadpanned, while the players who were unmuted laughed in the background.

Ferrell went on to praise Russell Wilson, told Luke Willson he needs to cut his hair, and told offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer he has designed some of his own plays – one that he called “90 Go Flywheel Kanye Starburst.”

Ferrell and Olsen do look similar, hence the video-bomb, and Ferrell is an alumni and super fan at USC where Carroll coached before joining the Seahawks – perhaps explaining the cameo.

Carroll tweeted the video, thanking Ferrell for “zoombombing our team meeting”.

Olsen and the rest of the Seahawks will continue to hold their team meetings virtually, at least for now, while the league continues to determine their next steps during this global pandemic.

At least they can find ways to laugh.

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