The Braves’ bullpen is currently embroiled in a hilarious prank war involving eye black and cockroaches

A.J. Minter really thought a cockroach was an okay prank???

Baseball is all fun and games until someone puts a cockroach in your jersey, apparently!

As of Tuesday, the Atlanta Braves bullpen currently seems to be in the midst of an ongoing prank war after A.J. Minter cast the first stone. During an interview with Bally Sports, Minter spilled the beans about the hilarious bullpen prank war after Tyler Matzek attempted to lift his teammate’s hat on camera.

Hiding under Minter’s hat was a very visible strip of eye black, placed on his cap by Jackson Stephens in retaliation for an extremely low blow. Minter’s sin? He put a cockroach in Stephens’ jersey and, understandably, his fellow pitcher freaked out about it!

Honestly, Stephens didn’t go hard enough here in getting retaliation on Minter. Cockroaches are no laughing matter, especially when you don’t expect it!

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Michael Harris II no pudo contener la risa en entrevista por un reto de Tyler Matzek

El domingo, Michael Harris II, jardinero rookie de los Atlanta Braves, provocó un repunte en la novena entrada contra los Miami Marlins cuando abrió con un homerun de 419 pies. Si Tyler Matzek está en tu equipo, no importa si eres candidato a Novato …

El domingo, Michael Harris II, jardinero rookie de los Atlanta Braves, provocó un repunte en la novena entrada contra los Miami Marlins cuando abrió con un homerun de 419 pies.

Si Tyler Matzek está en tu equipo, no importa si eres candidato a Novato del Año.

Harris estaba hablando con los reporteros cerca de su casillero después de que los Braves le ganaron 3-1 a Miami, su sexta victoria al hilo tras una serie muy complicada en Nueva York. Poco después de que empezara la entrevista, quedó muy claro que el novato tenía una tarea para su sesión con los medios. Su tarea era decir “miau” tan seguido como pudiera y tenía que pretender que no pasaba nada; algo que tomaron directamente de Super Troopers.

Traducción: Cuenten cuántas veces @MoneyyyMikeee puede decir “miau” en una entrevista después del partido.


Harris hizo su mayor esfuerzo para mantenerse sereno, pero una vez que Matzek se acercó a la entrevista (pueden escucharlo preguntar cuántos logró hacer) y le preguntaron algo relacionado con Matzek, Harris no pudo contenerse. Harris empezó a responder “Él es tan bueno, miau”, y fue en ese punto cuando le ganó la risa.  Eso sí, logró cinco miaus en tres minutos.

Oigan, parece que el jugador de 21 años está acoplándose bastante bien con este club tan importante. Harris manejó muy bien su tarea.

Así reaccionó Twitter

Traducción: Amigos, ¿qué no puede hacer? Hasta maneja un desafío para novatos como todo un profesional.


Traducción: (emoji de gato riéndose).


Traducción: Lo manejó como un profesional.


Traducción: Super Troopers salió tres semanas antes de que naciera Michael Harris.


Traducción: Denle a este hombre el novato del año a la de “miau”.


El lunes, los Braves regresaron a Atlanta para abrir una serie de cuatro juegos contra los Mets. En estos momentos se ven miau tranquilos.


Artículo traducido por Ana Lucía Toledo

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Michael Harris II couldn’t hold it together after Tyler Matzek had him say ‘meow’ during his interview

“He’s so good meow.”

Atlanta Braves rookie outfielder Michael Harris II sparked a ninth-inning rally against the Miami Marlins on Sunday with his leadoff 419-foot home run. But he’s still a rookie. And with that, comes some lighthearted rookie hazing.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Rookie of the Year candidate so long as Tyler Matzek is in the clubhouse.

After the Braves’ 3-1 win in Miami — their sixth straight win after the rough series in New York — Harris was speaking to reporters around his locker. And it became apparent that the rookie had an assignment for his media session. He had to say “meow” as often as he could and play it off cool — straight out of Super Troopers.

Harris tried his best to keep himself collected. But once Matzek approached the interview session (you can hear him asking how many he got) — drawing a Matzek-related question — Harris couldn’t hold it together. Harris started his answer, “He’s so good meow.” At that point, the laughter took over. He got five meows in three minutes, though.

But hey, it seems like the 21-year-old is fitting in just fine with the big club. Harris handled the assignment well.

Braves pitcher Tyler Matzek made a ridiculous behind-the-back catch and MLB fans were in awe

He made this look way too easy.

Being a professional baseball player is very hard job. Sure, they get paid lots of money but if you’re a hitter you’re going to fail a lot at the plate and these days you have to face so many pitchers who are just throwing ridiculous stuff.

So imagine how frustrated Cardinals shortstop Tommy Edman must have been last night in Atlanta when he sent a ball up the middle but could only watch as Braves reliever Tyler Matzek made a ridiculous behind-the-back catch and then calmly threw to first base to get the out.

I’m guessing Edman was PRETTY FRUSTRATED by this amazing play:

My goodness, Mr. Matzek. That was so good. And he made it look so easy.

Oh, and if that looks familiar it’s because he did this last year:

Dude has some skills. And some wild reflexes.

Twitter was in awe:

Braves’ Tyler Matzek turns double play with this unbelievable no-look behind-the-back snag

The best 1-6-3 double play you’ll see.

Tyler Matzek deserves the Gold Glove alone for this miraculously skilled snag that turned into a double play for the Atlanta Braves. On Sunday, during the Braves game against the Philadelphia Phillies, Matzek managed to turn two off this incredible solo effort play at the top of the seventh.

With no outs and a runner on first, Matzek got Odubel Herrera to hit a pitch on the ground for the potential double play. Instead of allowing the softly hit ball to get behind him, Matzek took a couple steps to his left and fielded it off a hop behind his back without looking before making the play at second.

You have to see it to believe it, folks.

Just a bonkers effort to make that entire double play happen. From the quick thinking backwards sidestep to the over the shoulder grab, Matzek could not have drawn up a better play if he tried.

Phenomenal fielding all around, but especially from Matzek to kick start that double play in the first place.

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