Watch: DrDisrespect joyously welcomes TimTheTatman to YouTube Gaming

Reunited, and it feels so good.

When Herschel “Guy” Beahm IV, a.k.a. DrDisrespect heard the news that Tim “TheTatman” John Betar was leaving Twitch for YouTube Gaming, he was beaming from ear to ear.

The two content creators are good friends, but they have been unable to play together since Beahm’s ban from Twitch last year. Until now, that is, as Betar’s move to YouTube means the two of them can finally reunite.

“Timmy Tenders is coming over to over to YouTube, huh, Champs,” Beahm said during a Monday YouTube stream. “Come on, get over here, Timmy! Get in here!” Barely able to contain his joy at the news.

Check out the heartwarming welcome from Beahm for yourself below.

Betar is likely just as excited over the news as he publicly stated how much he missed playing with Beahm. Hopefully, the two are in for many new adventures from now on.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF

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YouTube Gaming signs Twitch superstar TimTheTatman

Yet another big content creator signs exclusive streaming deal with YouTube Gaming.

YouTube Gaming is signing exclusive streaming deals with Twitch stars left and right, with the latest being Tim “TheTatman” John Betar. As was the case with DrLupo only days before, Betar claims the move will allow him to spend more time with his family.

“When I started, I had no family obligations, and I could stream a lot of hours,” Betar said, via Business Insider. “The reality is, now that I’ve got my wife and my son, it’s hard for me to stream as much as I did beforehand.”

Betar made news of his move to YouTube official with a trailer chronicling some of his, well, former professional endeavors. Check it out for yourself below. 

Twitch actually commemorated Betar’s career on the platform with a lovely montage too.

With more than seven million followers, Betar is leaving behind a massive fan base on the platform. Betar’s audience will likely keep up with his escapades in games like Call of Duty: Warzone regardless, though.

“I’d say seven to eight out of 10 people coming up to me go, ‘Man, I love your YouTube,'” Betar said in the same Business Insider interview. “I have more followers on Twitch, but a lot of people day-to-day call me a YouTuber.”

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF

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